Léta putování: člověk na cestách v dlouhém 19. století [Years of Wandering: Man on the Road in the Long 19th Century]. Praha, Academia 2024, 371 pp., b/w and color illustrations, index of names, summary. Edited by Zdeněk Hojda and Eva Bendová.

Exhibition catalogue "Umění předlouhého století a paměť lidské chůze" [The Art of the Long 19th Century and the Memory of human walking], conception and text by Roman Prahl. Plzeň, Západočeská galerie v Plzni 2023.
3. 3.–21.5. 2023, exhibitioh hall "13", West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen. The exhibition brings several probes into the phonomenon of human walking, form a walk and a trip to migration, advantures expeditions to forced exile. The exhibition and publication were prepared for the 43rd year of the Pilsen interdisciplinary symposium on the issue of the 19th century.