Sborník 2020

From work to entertainment: Spare time in Czech culture of the 19th century, Prague, Academia, 434 pages, b / w and color illustrations, index of names, summary. Edited by Zdeněk Hojda and Eva Bendová.


40th year of the interdisciplinary symposium on 19th century issues organized by the Department of Auxiliary Sciences, Charles University, Prague and Institute of Art History, Charles University, Prague, supported by the Pilsen Philharmonic, the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen and the West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen on 20–22. February 2020.

Web vytvořilo studio Liquid Design, v případě potřeby navštivte stránku s technickými informacemi
design by Bedřich Vémola
Partners of the project:
Philharmony Plzeň
Westbohemian Gallery in Plzeň
Westbohemian Muzeum in Plzni

Organizers of conferences:
Institute of Art History CAS
Institute for Czech Literature CAS
Institute for Art History,
Charles University Prague